Thursday, 27 September 2012

Study Task 1 - Why Am I studying at LCA/ What do I want to Learn?

5 Reasons why I chose to study on this programme:

1)        Live Briefs – during the second and third year some of the briefs that are set, are live projects set by companies big and small, which really motivated me to get onto this course.
2)        The structure of the course – how the years are split up and what sort of things you progress into learning, especially the business side of things during the second year.
3)        Reputation – how highly regarded the university is amongst all of the art specific universities across UK.
4)        Environment – the design engaged environment of the university and how everyone there is doing art and design and how it can contribute to how you think and work.
5)        Industry Links – how the university and course has links with design studios which select students to employ year after year.

5 Thing I want to learn during this programme:

1)        Money – the monetary & business side of being a graphic designer as this is one of the things that you would be taught how to do so in the second year.
2)        New techniques – new methods and forms of print, as it is an area I would love to explore more.
3)        How to protect work – again linking back to the business side of things, how to copyright and protect intellect property.
4)        New ways of using type – the theory and basics of using typography.
5)        The fundamentals of Graphic Design – the ins and outs of graphic design.

5 Skills I think are my strengths:

1)        Screen Printing
2)        Adobe Photoshop
3)        Colour Theory
4)        Branding/Logo Design
5)        Illustrative style

5 things I want to improve during this Programme:

1)        Time management
2)        Spelling/Academic Writing
3)        Compositional Skills/Layout
4)        Adobe Illustrator Skills
5)        Use of Typography

5 ways evaluate my progress:

1)        Tutorials/Crits – chats with peers or tutors as it would provide different ideas, points of views and opinions.
2)        Checklist – a simple list to make sure I’ve done all that was needed of me to do.
3)        Dissertation/written piece – mainly aimed at progress linked to academic writing.
4)        Feedback – just anything in tems of improvements and ideas.
5)        Software Skills class – linked to progress associated with using Adobe illustrator and other software.

5 things I want to find the answer to:

1)        What are of graphic design will I specialise in?
2)        Where will I be in 4 years time?
3)        What are the fundamentals of graphic design?
4)        Who will I be in 4 years?
5)        Will I get a first on this course?

5 things that inspire me:

1)        Creative use of colour – I love it when colour has been used in such a way that it makes the image.
2)        Natural Beauty – something that does not need to be changed or have anything done to it.
3)        My Parents – how they have come so far from having so little.
4)        My Extended Family – as they all support me in what I want to do and know how to have a good time!
5)        Good Graphic Design – makes me want to do some myself.